Available Paintings/Oeuvres Disponibles
Available Paintings/Oeuvres Disponibles
Drifting Apart
When Blue Meets Red Meets Blue – When Worlds Collide
By the River’s Edge
Confessions on a Dance Floor/Confessions sur une piste de danse
Rain on Windowpane/La Pluie sur la vitre
The Porthole/Le Hublot
Night Life
Monkey with Sucker/Singe avec sucette
Colors of the City
Signals/Les Signaux
Drifting Apart
Start of the Evening I (diptych)
The Dog Laïka on the Dark Side of the Moon (diptych)
Juke Box/Virée nocturne
Sun and the Desert City
Confinement Color Pyramid VI
A Modern Desert City
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Three Copper Skyscrapers
Doris, Sandra, and Jessica in Paris
A River Runs Through It (triptych)
Start of the Evening II (diptych)
The Dog Laïka on the Dark Side of the Moon (diptych)
My Burning Sun Will Someday Rise
Purple Enigma
Blue Stands the Tower
Paris Dreamscape
Golden City
City Rush (right of diptych)
City Rush (left of diptych)
Termini Imerese, Sicily
Blue Chair
Black Crescent Moon/Croissant de lune noire
Arabia (triptych)
A Stranger in the City
A Crowded Paris Sidewalk in Winter/Un Trottoir de Paris bondé en hiver
A Crowded Paris Sidewalk in Summer/Un Trottoir de Paris bondé en été
A Crowded Paris Sidewalk in Spring/Un Trottoir de Paris bondé au printemps
A Crowded Paris Sidewalk in Autumn/Un Trottoir de Paris bondé en automne
36 Hours
24 Hours
King Tut (triptych)
The Conversation II (diptych)
The Conversation II (diptych)
The Conversation I
Pop Series III
Pop Series II
Pop Series I
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid III
Confinement Color Pyramid IV
Confinement Color Pyramid IV
Confinement Color Pyramid IV
Confinement Color Pyramid IV
Confinement Color Pyramid IV
Confinement Color Pyramid IV
Confinement Color Pyramid VI
James Purpura
Chromaticist on Canvas
Artiste – Peintre Chromatiste